Category: 3D Printing

  • Printing for Printing’s sake

    I have spent a good portion of the last two weeks just getting my Bambu P1S setup to where I want it to be. I believe I’m closing in on a good setup. I thought you were printing in 15 minutes? I was! Out of the box, the P1S is great, and lets me start…

  • Spoolman for Filament Management

    “You don’t know what you go ’til it’s gone” is a great song line, but a terrible inventory management approach. As I start to stock up on filament for the 3D printer, it occurred to me that I need a way to track my inventory. The Community Comes Through I searched around for different filament…

  • A new To(y)ol

    I have wanted to pick up a Bambu Labs P1S for a while now. I saved up enough to finally pull the trigger, and after a few days of use, I could not be more pleased with my decision. Why Bambu? There are literally dozens of 3D printers out there, and choosing can be difficult.…

  • Building a new home for my proxy server

    With my BananaPi up and running again, it’s time to put it back in the server cabinet. But it’s a little bit of a mess down there, and I decided my new 3D modeling skills could help me build a new home for the proxy. Find the Model When creating a case for things, having…

  • I Did a Thing

    I have jumped into a new open community, this one for 3D modeling. Same rules apply: Share!

  • If there is a problem…

    Sure, I could have purchased a cheap handle. But it’s much more fun to design your own!

  • Prototype 1 – Printed!

    With a little help from the folks at Pittsburgh 3D Prints, my first 3D printed prototype is complete. I am fairly certain this will lead to a new hobby with some useful output. But first, the problem As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have started to dabble in 3D printing. This desire actually…