Upgrading the Home Network – A New Gateway
I have run a Unifi Security Gateway (USG) for a while now. In conjunction with three wireless access points, the setup has been pretty robust. The only area I have had some trouble in is the controller software. I run the controller software on one of my K8 clusters. The deployment is fairly simple, but…
Migrating to Github Packages
I have been running a free version of Proget locally for years now. It served as a home for Nuget packages, Docker images, and Helm charts for my home lab projects. But, in an effort to slim down the apps that are running in my home lab, I took a look at some alternatives. Where…
Platform Engineering
As I continue to build out some reference architecture applications, I realized that there was a great deal of boilerplate code that I add to my APIs to get things running. Time for a library! Enter the “Platform” I am generally terrible at naming things, but Spydersoft.Platform seemed like a good base namespace for this…
Supporting a GitHub Release Flow with Azure DevOps Builds
It has been a busy few months, and with the weather changing, I have a little more time in front of the computer for hobby work. Some of my public projects were in need of a few package updates, so I started down that road. Most of the updates were pretty simple: a few package…
When “as code” makes a difference
I spent a considerable amount of time setting up my home lab with a high degree of infrastructure and deployment “as code.” Googling “Infrastructure as Code” or “Declarative GitOps” will highlight the breadth of this topic, and I have no less than 10 different posts on my current setup. So what did all this effort…
A Quick WSL Swap
I have been using WSL and Ubuntu 22.04 a lot more in recent weeks. From virtual environments for Python development to the ability to use Podman to run container images, the tooling supports some of the work I do much better than Windows does. But Ubuntu 22.04 is old! I love the predictable LTS releases,…
My Very Own Ship of Theseus
A while back, I wrote a little about how the “Ship of Theseus” thought experiment has parallels to software design. What I did not realize is that I would end up running into a physical “Ship of Theseus” of my own. Just another day On a day where I woke up to stories of how…
Moving to Ubuntu 24.04
I have a small home lab running a few Kubernetes clusters, and a good bit of automation to deal with provisioning servers for the K8 clusters. All of my Linux VMs are based on Ubuntu 22.04. I prefer to stick with LTS for stability and compatibility. As April turns into July (missed some time there),…
Drop that zero…
I ran into a very weird issue with Nuget packages and the old packages.config reference style. Nuget vs Semantic Versioning Nuget grew up in Windows, where assembly version numbers support four numbers: major.minor.build.revision. Therefore, NugetVersion supports all four version segments. Semantic versioning, on the other hand, supports three numbers plus additional labels. As part of…
Isolating your Azure Functions
I spent a good bit of time over the last two weeks converting our Azure functions from the in-process to the isolated worker process model. Overall the transition was fairly simple, but there were a few bumps in the proverbial road worth noting. Migration Process Microsoft Learn has a very detailed How To Guide for…