Category: Open Source

  • Git Out! Migrating to GitHub

    Git is Git. Wherever it’s hosted, the basics are the same. But the features and community around tools has driven me to make a change. Starting Out My first interactions with Git happened around 2010, when we decided to move away from Visual SourceSafe and Subversion and onto Git. At the time, some of the…

  • Stacks on Stacks!

    I have Redis installed at home as a simple caching tool. Redis Stack adds on to Redis OSS with some new features that I am eager to start learning. But, well, I have to install it first. Charting a Course I have been using the Bitnami Redis chart to install Redis on my home K8…

  • One Task App to Rule them All!

    New job means new systems, which prompted me to reevaluate my task tracking. State of the Union For the last, oh, decade or more, I have been using the ClearContext Outlook plugin for task management built into Outlook. And I really like it. I have become proficient with the keyboard shortcuts that let me quickly…

  • SonarCloud has become my Frank’s Red Hot…

    … I put that $h!t on everything! A lot has been made in recent weeks about open source and its effects on all that we do in software. And while we all debate the ethics of Hashicorp’s decision to turn to a “more closed” licensing model and question the subsequent fork of their open source…

  • Taking my MagicMirror modules to Typescript

    It came as a bit of a shock that I have been running MagicMirror in my home office for almost two years now. I even wrote two modules, one to display Prometheus alerts and one to show Status Page status. In the past few years I have started to become more and more comfortable with…

  • Tech Tip – You should probably lock that up…

    I have been running in to some odd issues with ArgoCD not updating some of my charts, despite the Git repository having an updated chart version. As it turns out, my configuration and lack of Chart.lock files seems to have been contributing to this inconsistency. My GitOps Setup I have a few repositories that I…

  • Rollback saved my blog!

    As I was upgrading WordPress from 6.2.2 to 6.3.0, I ran into a spot of trouble. Thankfully, ArgoCD rollback was there to save me. It’s a minor upgrade… I use the Bitnami WordPress chart as the template source for Argo to deploy my blog to one of my Kubernetes clusters. Usually, an upgrade is literally…

  • Publishing Markdown to Confluence

    For what seems like a long time now, I have been using RittmanMead’s md_to_conf project to automatically publish documentation from Markdown files into Confluence Cloud. I am on something of a documentation kick, and what started as a quick fix ultimately turned into a new project. It all started with the word “legacy”… In publishing…

  • The Battle of the Package Managers

    I dove back into React over the past few weeks, and was trying to figure out whether to use NPM or Yarn for package management. NPM has always seemed slow, and in the few times I tried Yarn, it seemed much faster. So I thought I would put them through their paces. The Projects I…

  • A small open source contribution never hurt anyone

    Over the weekend, I started using the react-runtime-config library to configure one of my React apps. While it works great, the last activity on the library was over two years ago, so I decided to fork the repository and publish the library under my own scope. This led me down a very eccentric path and…