I have Redis installed at home as a simple caching tool. Redis Stack adds on to Redis OSS with some new features that I am eager to start learning. But, well, I have to install it first.
Charting a Course
I have been using the Bitnami Redis chart to install Redis on my home K8 cluster. The chart itself provides the necessary configuration flexibility for replicas and security. However, Bitnami does not maintain a similar chart for redis-stack
or redis-stack-server
There are some published Helm charts from Redis, however, they lack the built-in flexibility and configurability that the Bitnami charts provide. The Bitnami chart is so flexible, I wondered if it was possible to use it with the redis-stack-server
image. A quick search showed I was not the only person with this idea.
New Image
Gerk Elznik posted last year about deploying Redis Stack using Bitnami’s Redis chart. Based on this post, I made attempted to customize the Bitnami chart to use the redis-stack-server
image. Gerk’s post indicated that a new script was needed to successfully start the image. That seemed like an awful lot of work, and, well, I really didn’t want to do that.
In the comments of Gerk’s post, Kamal Raj posted a link to his version of the Bitnami Redis Helm chart, modified for Redis Stack. This seemed closer to what I wanted: a few tweaks and off to the races.
In reviewing Kamal’s changes, I noticed that everything he changed could be overridden in the values.yaml
file. So I made a few changes to my values file:
- Added
in theredis.image
section, pointing the chart to the redis-stack-server image. - Updated the
for bothredis.master
to reflect Kamal’s changes.
I ran a quick template, and everything looked to generate correctly, so I committed the changes and let ArgoCD take over.
ArgoCD synchronized the stateful set as expected, but the pod didn’t start. The error in the K8 events was about “command not found.” So I started digging into the “official” Helm Chart for the redis-stack-server
That chart is very simple, which means it was pretty easy to see that there was no special command for startup. So, I started to wonder if I really needed to override the command, or simply use the redis-stack-server
in place of the default image.
So I commented out the custom overrides to the command
settings for both master and replica, and committed those changes. Lo and behold, ArgoCD synced and the pod started up great!
What Matters Is, Does It Work?
Excuse me for stealing from Celebrity Jeopardy, but “Gussy it up however you want, Trebek, what matters is, does it work?” For that, I needed a Redis client.
Up to this point, most of my interactions with Redis have simply been through the redis-cli that’s installed on the image. I use kubectl
to get into the pod and run redis-cli in the pod to see what keys are in the instance.
Sure, that works fine, but as I start to dig into to Redis a bit more, I need a client that lets me visualize the database a little better. As I was researching Redis Stack, I came across RedisInsight, and thought it was worth a shot.
After installing RedisInsight, I set up port forwarding on my local machine into the Kubernetes service. This allows me to connect directly to the Redis instance without creating a long term service on Node Port or some other forwarding mechanism. Since I only need access to the Redis server within the cluster, this helps me secure it.
I got connected, and the instance shows. But, no modules….
More Hacking Required
As it turns out, the Bitnami Redis chart changes the startup command to a script within the chart. This allows some of the flexibility, but comes at the cost of not using the entrypoint scripts that are in the image. Specifically, the entrypoint script for redis-stack-server
, which uses the command line to load the modules.
Now what? Well, there’s more than one way to skin a cat (to use an arcane and cruel sounding metaphor). Reading through the Redis documentation, you can also load modules through the configuration. Since the Bitnami Redis chart allows you to add to the configuration using the values.yaml
file, that’s where I ended up. I added the following to my values.yaml file:
configuration: |
loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/redisearch.so MAXSEARCHRESULTS 10000 MAXAGGREGATERESULTS 10000
loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/redistimeseries.so
loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/rejson.so
loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/redisbloom.so
With those changes, I now see the appropriate modules running.
Lots Left To Do
As I mentioned, this seems pretty “hacky” to me. Right now, I have it running, but only in standalone mode. I haven’t had the need to run a full Redis cluster, but I’m SURE that some additional configuration will be required to apply this to running a Redis Stack cluster. Additionally, I could not get the Redis Gears module loaded, but I did get Search, JSON, Time Series, and Bloom installed.
For now, that’s all I need. Perhaps if I find I need Gears, or I want to run a Redis cluster, I’ll have to revisit this. But, for now, it works. The full configuration can be found in my non-production infrastructure repository. I’m sure I’ll move to production, but everything that happens here happens in non-production first, so keep tabs on that if you’d like to know more.