Tag: Kubernetes
Moving to Ubuntu 24.04
I have a small home lab running a few Kubernetes clusters, and a good bit of automation to deal with provisioning servers for the K8 clusters. All of my Linux VMs are based on Ubuntu 22.04. I prefer to stick with LTS for stability and compatibility. As April turns into July (missed some time there),…
Automating Grafana Backups
After a few data loss events, I took the time to automate my Grafana backups. A bit of instability It has been almost a year since I moved to a MySQL backend for Grafana. In that year, I’ve gotten a corrupted MySQL database twice now, forcing me to restore from a backup. I’m not sure…
My Introduction to Kubernetes NetworkPolicy
The Bitnami Redis Helm chart has thrown me a curve ball over the last week or so, and made me look at Kubernetes NetworkPolicy resources. Redis Chart Woes Bitnami seems to be updating their charts to include default NetworkPolicy resources. While I don’t mind this, a jaunt through their open issues suggests that it has…
A Tale of Two Proxies
I am working on building a set of small reference applications to demonstrate some of the patterns and practices to help modernize cloud applications. In configuring all of this in my home lab, I spent at least 3 hours fighting a problem that turned out to be a configuration issue. Backend-for-Frontend Pattern I will get…
Re-configuring Grafana Secrets
I recently fixed some synchronization issues that had been silently plaguing some of the monitoring applications I had installed, including my Loki/Grafana/Tempo/Mimir stack. Now that the applications are being updated, I ran into an issue with the latest Helm chart’s handling of secrets. Sync Error? After I made the change to fix synchronization of the…
Synced, But Not: ArgoCD Differencing Configuration
Some of the charts in my Loki/Grafana/Tempo/Mimir stack have an odd habit of not updating correctly in ArgoCD. I finally got tired of it and fixed it… I’m just not 100% sure how. Ignoring Differences At some point in the past, I had customized a few of my Application objects with ignoreDifferences settings. It was…
Do the Right Thing
My home lab clusters have been running fairly stable, but there are still some hiccups every now and again. As usual, a little investigation lead to a pretty substantial change. Cluster on Fire My production and non-production clusters, which mostly host my own projects, have always been pretty stable. Both clusters are set up with…
Stacks on Stacks!
I have Redis installed at home as a simple caching tool. Redis Stack adds on to Redis OSS with some new features that I am eager to start learning. But, well, I have to install it first. Charting a Course I have been using the Bitnami Redis chart to install Redis on my home K8…
Update: Creating an Nginx-based web server image – React Edition
This is a short update to Creating a simple Nginx-based web server image which took me about an hour to figure out and 10 seconds to fix….. 404, Ad-Rock’s out the door Yes, I know it’s “four on the floor, Ad-Rock’s at the door.” While working on hosting one of my project React apps in…
Configuring React SPAs at Runtime
Configuring a SPA is a tricky affair. I found some tools to make it a little bit easier, but it should still be used with a fair amount of caution. The App I built a small React UI to view some additional information that I am storing in my Unifi Controller for network devices. Using…