Tech Tips – Moving away from k8s-at-home

Much of what I learned about Helm charting and running workloads in Kubernetes I credit to the contributors over at k8s-at-home. There expansive chart collection helped me start to jump in to Kubernetes.

Last year, they announced they were deprecating their repositories. I am not surprised: the sheer volume of charts they had meant they had to keep up to date with the latest releases from a number of vendors. If a vendor changed an image or configuration, well, someone had to fix it. That’s a lot of work for a small group with no real benefit other than “doing good for others.”

Thankfully, one of their contributors, Bernd Schorgers, continues to maintain a library chart that can be used as a basis for most of the charts I use.

Wanting to move off of the k8s-at-home charts for good, I spent some time this week migrating to Bernd’s library chart. I created new images for the following charts.

Hopefully one or more of these templates can help move you off of the k8s-at-home charts.

A Huge Thanks

I cannot stress this enough: I owe a huge thanks to the k8s-at-home folks. Their work allowed me to jump into Helm by examining what they had done to understand where I could go. I appreciate their contributions to the community: past, present, and future.



