Tag: techtip

  • Tech Tips – Upgrading your Argo cluster tools

    Moving my home lab to GitOps and ArgoCD has been, well, nearly invisible now. With the build pipelines I have in place, I’m able to work on my home projects without much thought to deploying changes to my clusters. My OCD, however, prevents me from running old versions. I really want to stay up-to-date when…

  • Nginx Reverse proxy: A slash makes all the difference.

    I have been doing some work to build up some standard processes for Kubernetes. ArgoCD has become a big part of that, as it allows us to declaratively manage the state of our clusters. After recovering from a small blow-up in the home lab (post coming), I wanted to migrate my cluster tools to utilize…

  • Tech Tip – Azure DevOps Pipelines Newline handling

    Just a quick note: It would seem that somewhere between Friday, April 29, 2022 and Monday, May 2, 2022, Azure DevOps pipelines changed their handling of newlines in YAML literal blocks. The change caused our pipelines to stop executing with the following error: What caused it? Multi-line, inline block definitions.

  • Tech Tip – Turn on forwarded headers in Nginx

    I have been using Nginx as a reverse proxy for some time. In the very first iteration of my home lab, it lived on a VM and allowed me to point my firewall rules to a single target, and then route traffic from there. It has since been promoted to a dedicated Raspberry Pi in…

  • Tech Tip – Markdown Linting in VS Code

    With a push to driving better documentation, it is worth remembering that Visual Studio Code has a variety of extensions that can help with linting/formatting of all types of files, including your README.md files. Markdown All in One and markdownlint are my current extensions of choice, and they have helped me clean up my README.md…