Tag: raspberry pi
Updated Site Monitoring
What seemed like forever ago, I put together a small project for simple site monitoring. My md-to-conf work enhanced my Python skills, and I thought it would be a good time to update the monitoring project. Housekeeping! First things first: I transferred the repository from my personal GitHub account to the spydersoft-consulting organization. Why? Separation…
ISY and the magic network gnomes
For nearly 2 years, I struggled mightily with communication issues between my ISY 994i and some of my docker images and servers. So much, in fact, that I had a fairly long running post in the Universal Devices forums dedicated to the topic. I figure it is worth a bit of a rehash here, if…
Making use of my office television with Magic Mirror
I have a wall-mounted television in my office that, 99% of the time, sits idle. Sadly, the fully loaded RetroPie attached to it doesn’t get much Super Mario Bros action during the workday. But that idle Raspberry Pi had me thinking of ways to utilize that extra screen in my office. Since, well, 4 monitors…