Tag: Banana Pi
Building a new home for my proxy server
With my BananaPi up and running again, it’s time to put it back in the server cabinet. But it’s a little bit of a mess down there, and I decided my new 3D modeling skills could help me build a new home for the proxy. Find the Model When creating a case for things, having…
An epic journey…
I got all the things I needed to diagnose my BananaPi M5 issues. And I took a very long, windy road to a very simple solution. But I learned an awful lot in the process. Reconstructing the BananaPi M5 I got tired of poking around the BananaPi M5, and decided I wanted to start from…
Going Banana
That’s right… just one banana. I have been looking to upgrade the Raspberry PI 3 that has been operating as home lab’s reverse proxy. While it would have been more familiar to find another Raspberry Pi 4 to use, their availability is, well, terrible. I found a workable, potentially more appropriate, solution in the Banana…