Tag: Azure DevOps

  • Terraform Azure AD

    Over the last week or so, I realized that while I bang the drum of infrastructure as code very loudly, I have not been practicing it at home. I took some steps to reconcile that over the weekend. The Goal I have a fairly meager home presence in Azure. Primarily, I use a free version…

  • Environment Woes

    No, this is not a post on global warming. As it turns out, I have been provisioning my Azure DevOps build agents somewhat incorrectly, at least for certain toolsets. Sonar kicks it off It started with this error in my build pipeline: I provision my build agents using the Azure DevOps/GitHub Actions runner images repository,…

  • When a Build is not a Build

    In my experience, the best way to learn a new software system is to see how it is built. That path lead me to some warnings housekeeping, which lead me to a weird issue with Azure DevOps. Housekeeping! In starting my new role, I have been trying to get a lay of the land. That…

  • Pack, pack, pack, they call him the Packer….

    Through sheer happenstance I came across a posting for The Jaggerz playing near me and was taken back to my first time hearing “The Rapper.” I happened to go to school with one of the member’s kids, which made it all the more fun to reminisce. But I digress. I spent time a while back…

  • Packages, pipelines, and environment variables…. oh my!

    I was clearly tempting the fates of package management when I called out NPM package management. Nuget was not to be outdone, and threw us a curveball in one of our Azure DevOps builds that is too good not to share. The Problem Our Azure Pipeline build was erroring out, however, it was erroring in…

  • Packer.io : Making excess too easy

    A story on how what I thought would be a simple migration to Azure DevOps turned into tools that support my experimentation habit.