Packages, pipelines, and environment variables…. oh my!

I was clearly tempting the fates of package management when I called out NPM package management. Nuget was not to be outdone, and threw us a curveball in one of our Azure DevOps builds that is too good not to share.

The Problem

Our Azure Pipeline build was erroring out, however, it was erroring in different steps, and steps that seemingly had no connection to the changes that were made.

Error 1 – Unable to install GitVersion.Tool

We use GitVersion to version our builds and packages. We utilize the GitTools Azure DevOps extension to provide us with pipeline tasks to install and execute GitVersion. Most of our builds use step templates to centralize common steps, so these steps are executed every time, usually without error.

However, in this particular branch, we were getting the following error:

Installing GitVersion.Tool version 5.x
Command: dotnet tool install GitVersion.Tool --tool-path /agent/_work/_temp --version 5.7.0
/usr/bin/dotnet tool install GitVersion.Tool --tool-path /agent/_work/_temp --version 5.7.0
The tool package could not be restored.
/usr/share/dotnet/sdk/5.0.402/NuGet.targets(131,5): error : 'feature' is not a valid version string. (Parameter 'value') [/tmp/t31raumn.tj5/restore.csproj]

Now, I would have concentrated more on the “‘feature’ is not a valid version string” error initially, however, I was distracted because, sometimes, we got past this error but into another error.

Error 2 – Dotnet restore failed

So, sometimes (not always), the pipeline would get past the installation of GitVersion and make it about three steps forward, into the dotnet restore step. Buried in that restore log was a similar error to the first one:

error : 'feature' is not a valid version string. (Parameter 'value')

Same error, different steps?

So, we were seeing the same error, but in two distinct places: one in a step which installs the tool, and presumably has nothing to do with the code in the repository, and the other which is squarely around the dotnet restore command.

A quick Google search yielded an issue in the dotnet core Github repository. At the tail end of that thread is this little tidbit from user fabioduque:

The same thing happened to me, and it was due to me setting up the Environment Variable “VERSION”.
Solved with with:

Given that, I put a quick step in to print out the environment variables and determined the problem.

Better the devil you know…

As the saying goes: Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. In this case, the devil we didn’t know about was an environment variable named VERSIONPREFIX. Now, we were not expressly setting that version in a script, but one of our variables was named versionPrefix. Azure DevOps makes pipeline variables available as environment variables, and it standardizes them into all caps, so we ended up with VERSIONPREFIX. Nuget, in versions after 3.4, provides for applying settings at runtime via environment variables. And since VERSIONPREFIX is applicable in dotnet / nuget, our variable was causing these random errors. I renamed the variable and viola, no more random errors.

The Short, Short Version

Be careful when naming variables in Azure Pipelines. They are made available as-named via environment variables. If some of the steps or commands that you use accept those environment variables as settings, you may be inadvertently affecting your builds.


