Tag: packer.io
Environment Woes
No, this is not a post on global warming. As it turns out, I have been provisioning my Azure DevOps build agents somewhat incorrectly, at least for certain toolsets. Sonar kicks it off It started with this error in my build pipeline: I provision my build agents using the Azure DevOps/GitHub Actions runner images repository,…
Pack, pack, pack, they call him the Packer….
Through sheer happenstance I came across a posting for The Jaggerz playing near me and was taken back to my first time hearing “The Rapper.” I happened to go to school with one of the member’s kids, which made it all the more fun to reminisce. But I digress. I spent time a while back…
Speeding up Packer Hyper-V Provisioning
I spent a considerable amount of time working through the provisioning scripts for my RKE2 nodes. Each node took between 25-30 minutes to provision. I felt like I could do better. Check the tires A quick evaluation of the process quickly made me realize that most of the time is spent in the full install…
A big mistake and a bit of bad luck…
In the Home Lab, things were going good. Perhaps a little too good. A bonehead mistake on my part and hardware failure combined to make another ridiculous weekend. I am beginning to think this blog is becoming “Matt messed up again.” Permissions are a dangerous thing I wanted to install the Azure DevOps agent on…
Packer.io : Making excess too easy
A story on how what I thought would be a simple migration to Azure DevOps turned into tools that support my experimentation habit.