Category: Random

  • I appreciate feedback, but..

    I am really tired of deleting hundreds of spam comments every couple of days. While I have had a few posts generate some good feedback, generally, all I get is spam. It was not too bad until the last few months, when spam volume increased by an order of magnitude. I would rather not burn…

  • Hitting my underwater stride

    It’s not always about tech. A recent trip to Cozumel has only strengthened my resolve to continue my underwater adventures. Hitting the Road Neither my wife nor I have ever been to Cozumel. Sure, we have been to Mexico a few times, including taking my kids to Cancun the past few summers. But, and I…

  • Nerd Humor

    Easter eggs in software are not a new thing. And I will always appreciate a good pop culture reference when I find it. As I was cycling my Kubernetes clusters, I had an issue with some resource contention. Things were not coming up as expected, so I started looking at the Rancher Kubernetes Engine 2…

  • Foyer Upgrade

    Not everything I do is “nerdy.” I enjoy making things with my hands, and my wife has an eye for design and a sadistic love of painting. Combined, we like to spend some time redesigning rooms around the house. We save a ton doing the work ourselves, and for me it is a great break…

  • Taking Stock

    My wife has a go-to birthday question: Name the best thing and the worst thing about the past year. We realized that she has a habit of asking this for the New Year as well. Many of our family and friends have birthdays that fall around the holiday season, so the question becomes somewhat repetitive.…

  • Adding a Little Style

    I jumped the gun on a code syntax highlighter plugin for Wordpress. I now know exactly how many posts I have with code blocks in them.

  • New Cert, now what?

    I completed my PADI Advanced Open Water certification over the weekend. The question is, what’s next? Advanced Open Water The Advanced Open Water certification is a continuation of the Open Water training with a focus on opening up new dive sites, primarily by expanding the available depth. My certification focused on five areas: The Boat…

  • Get to the point!

    Navigating to used to take you to a small home page, from which you had to navigate to the recent posts or other pages. Some quick analysis of my page traffic indicated that, well, all of my traffic was going to the posts. As my wife would say, “Don’t bury the lead!” With that,…

  • A New Chapter

    After 16 years, it is time to make a change. With that change, a bit of self reflection never hurts. Getting here At this point, I have spent more time in corporate full time employment than any other aspect of my life. I started my first full-time, salaried role in November of 2002, which I…

  • Aging into fun

    It is obvious that my posts have been, well, tech-centric for the better part of the last year. I do my best to not post specifics about my kids because, well, their life is theirs to live, not mine to post. But I have to credit them with introducing me to an activity that keeps…