Using SonarCloud for Open Source

My last few posts have centered around adding some code linting and analysis to C# projects. Most of this has been to identify some standards and best practices for my current position.

During this research, I came across SonarCloud, which is Sonarqube’s hosted instance. SonarCloud is free for open source projects, and given the breadth of languages it supports, I have decided to start adding my open source projects to SonarCloud. This will allow some extra visibility into my open source code and provide me with a great sandbox for evaluating Sonarqube for corporate use.

I added Sonar Analysis to a GitHub actions pipeline for my Hyper-V Info API. You can see the Sonar analysis on

The great part?? All the code is public, including the GitHub Actions pipeline. So, feel free to poke around and see how I made it work!



