Category: Soft Skills
A Lesson in Content Creation and Visibility
As I approach the five year anniversary of this blog, I got to wondering just what my post frequency is and how it might affect my overall readership. In my examination of that data, I learned an important lesson about content and traffic: if you build it, they will come. My Posting Habits As you…
A blast from the past and a new path forward
Over the last few years, the pandemic has thrown my eldest son’s college search for a bit of a loop. It’s difficult to talk about visiting college campuses when colleges are just trying to figure out how to keep there current students in the classroom. With that in mind, much of his search has been…
Teaching in a Professional Setting
Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” George Bernard Shaw As you can imagine, in a family heavy in educators, this phrase lands anywhere from irksome to derogatory. As I have worked to define my own expectations in my new role, it occurs to me that Shaw got this wrong, and we have to…
Inducing Panic in a Software Architect
If there is one thing that anyone can do that immediately has me at a loss for words and looking for the exit, it is to ask this one question: “What do you do for a living?”
Work / Life Balance: A long-time remote worker’s perspective
Summertime brings with it some time off for travel and relaxation, coupled with meeting my standard role expectations. As I struggle with balancing my desire to perform the work I “normally” do with the desire to jump in the pool when it’s nice out, it occurs to me that “work / life balance” has received…
Getting organized with myAgile
Organization, prioritization, and execution are the keys to success. Many of us work in positions where projects can run over extended periods, interruptions and distractions are frequent, and we are asked to juggle a variety of responsibilities and tasks. However, no matter where you work, if you can get things done, you will be viewed…