Author: Matt

  • My Very Own Ship of Theseus

    A while back, I wrote a little about how the “Ship of Theseus” thought experiment has parallels to software design. What I did not realize is that I would end up running into a physical “Ship of Theseus” of my own. Just another day On a day where I woke up to stories of how…

  • Moving to Ubuntu 24.04

    I have a small home lab running a few Kubernetes clusters, and a good bit of automation to deal with provisioning servers for the K8 clusters. All of my Linux VMs are based on Ubuntu 22.04. I prefer to stick with LTS for stability and compatibility. As April turns into July (missed some time there),…

  • Drop that zero…

    I ran into a very weird issue with Nuget packages and the old packages.config reference style. Nuget vs Semantic Versioning Nuget grew up in Windows, where assembly version numbers support four numbers: Therefore, NugetVersion supports all four version segments. Semantic versioning, on the other hand, supports three numbers plus additional labels. As part of…

  • Isolating your Azure Functions

    I spent a good bit of time over the last two weeks converting our Azure functions from the in-process to the isolated worker process model. Overall the transition was fairly simple, but there were a few bumps in the proverbial road worth noting. Migration Process Microsoft Learn has a very detailed How To Guide for…

  • I appreciate feedback, but..

    I am really tired of deleting hundreds of spam comments every couple of days. While I have had a few posts generate some good feedback, generally, all I get is spam. It was not too bad until the last few months, when spam volume increased by an order of magnitude. I would rather not burn…

  • Hitting my underwater stride

    It’s not always about tech. A recent trip to Cozumel has only strengthened my resolve to continue my underwater adventures. Hitting the Road Neither my wife nor I have ever been to Cozumel. Sure, we have been to Mexico a few times, including taking my kids to Cancun the past few summers. But, and I…

  • Tech Tip – Fixing my local Git Repository

    Twice now, I have run into some odd corruption with a local Git repository. Since I had to look it up twice, a quick post is in order. Symptom When doing a fetch or pull, I would get an error like this: I honestly haven’t the slightest idea what is causing it, but it has…

  • Nerd Humor

    Easter eggs in software are not a new thing. And I will always appreciate a good pop culture reference when I find it. As I was cycling my Kubernetes clusters, I had an issue with some resource contention. Things were not coming up as expected, so I started looking at the Rancher Kubernetes Engine 2…

  • Centralized Authentication: My Hotel California

    When I left my previous role, I figured I would have some time before the idea of a centralized identity server popped back up. As the song goes, “You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave…” The Short Short Version This is going to sound like the start of a very…

  • Tech Tip – Formatting External Secrets in Helm

    This has tripped me up a lot, so I figure it is worth a quick note. The Problem I use Helm charts to define the state of my cluster in a Git repository, and ArgoCD to deploy those charts. This allows a lot of flexibility in my deployments and configuration. For secrets management, I use…